Stufenlose Regelung der Spannung mit dem NET-PwrCtrl.
Stepless regulation of the voltage with the NET-PwrCtrl.
Alles über Dimmer.
Andere Lösungen willkommen.
Beiträge: 487
Registriert: Dienstag 15. Januar 2008, 11:51
Wohnort: Düsseldorf


Beitrag von andy » Dienstag 9. Mai 2017, 13:17


Mit der FW6.1 gibt es eine bequeme Möglichkeit Dimmer zu steuern.
Die HoldOn Funktion der Tasten erlaubt die Relais (IO's) solange einzuschalten, solange die Taste gedrückt ist.

Der ELTAKO EUD12D-UC im RDT-Modus lässt sich über die Anschlüsse +E1, +F1 und -E2 wie abgebildet steuern.

With the FW6.1 there is a convenient way to control dimmers.
The HoldOn function of the buttons allows the relays (IO's) to be switched on as long as the button is pressed.

The ELTAKO EUD12D-UC in RDT mode can be controlled via the connections + E1, + F1 and -E2 as shown.

Dimmen-1.gif (112.58 KiB) 16374 mal betrachtet

LG Andy

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Donnerstag 13. Juli 2017, 09:51

Re: ELTAKO EUD12D-UC dimmen

Beitrag von YvesHanoulle » Donnerstag 13. Juli 2017, 09:55


I'm interested in doing this, unfortunatly I don't speak German.
I have the manuale from Anel HUT translated in Dutch and I'm very happy with working with it. Andzrej send me this link on how to use a dimmer with a hut. Yet I'm not sure I understand the German.
I'm sitting with my electrician, who know's the EUD12D-UC , he wonders why you need two buttons. (and thus 2 lines on the HUT. )

And more important, there are two kind of ways to use this dimmer:
Using EUD and DSD setting. With EUD you have the option to turn everything on and of, you don't have that option with DSD.

>It looks like you use the DSD setup.
Is this correct?
How do you turn the lights completly off?

